Its 15th of the month and its Lasagna time as crew like to call the pay day. There is a big line in front of the crew payroll office, everybody is waiting for their well earned money. When is my turn I need to count the cash money and sign the pay slip. Salary is paid in cash on cruise ship so you take your money and you hide it somewhere in your cabin or place it in a safe box. There is Wire transfer so you can send your money back home with small fees around $10 depending of the amount. After I pick up my salary I need to pay for my bar bill. This include dinks and cigarettes I buy from crew bar plus the things I buy from the gift shop. My bar bill is usually around $150. I need to cut back on the drinks in the crew bar. Now I need to pay my cabin cleaner he is a nice guy and does his job great by making up my bed, changing towels, cleaning the room and most important toilet paper. Sometimes he forgets to bring toilet paper and there is nothing worst than running out. When this happens I need to run to my neighbors and borrow from them. If they are not in the cabin that’s a biiiiig problem.
Next I need to pay the dishwashers. Now this guys have one of the toughest and dirties jobs on the ship and they get paid minimum wage. They clean my silver and provide me with some deficit material like saucers, side plates or coffee cups. Usually I pay them $10 plus $5 for their extra effort helping me when I am in KAKA.
Now I need to pay my favorite cook $20. He is always there when im hungry so usually he is responsible for my dinner and sometimes for my lunch so 20 bucks are ok for this dining experience.
Cruise ship is a small society and everybody takes care of somebody so we are one dysfunctional happy family in our “home away from home” as the cruise director likes to say. You can decide to cut back on this coasts and be Cheapatone but your life onboard will be difficult. So why not support each other.
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