Five years ago, AIDA Cruises, through its AIDA Cruise & Help initiative, opened its first school in Cebu City, Philippines, fully funded by donations from the program. Since then, 60 schools have been constructed in twelve different countries. One of these schools is the Namibia Okanguati Primary School. The focus of this project is on the home countries of the crew and regions visited by AIDA cruise ships. Last year, AIDA Cruises introduced a project where each ship is paired with a specific school project, funded through activities like raffles and auctions.
AIDA President Felix Eichhorn saw firsthand the significance of this school for the local community. Together with Reiner Meutsch, founder of the FLY & HELP Foundation and a long-time partner of AIDA Cruises, he visited the community and spoke with local teachers and children. The school, which opened in May 2020, provides space for 160 children.
"The eagerness to learn and the cheerful spirit of the children in Okanguati are exactly why AIDA Cruise & Help collects donations and builds schools. We are very proud that our initiative has already given countless children in disadvantaged regions a permanent place to learn. By doing this, we are giving children and future generations access to education and a real chance for a better future. The remarkable dedication of our crew and guests shows that we can achieve great things together," Mr. Eichhorn said.
With the funding of the 60th school, the AIDA Cruise & Help initiative marks another significant milestone. All 60 projects, which will create around 7,000 sustainable school places, are underway, and 40 schools have already opened their doors to students.
Last year, each AIDA ship was able to fund at least one school. For example, AIDAsol raised funds for a school with three classrooms in Ambodiriana, Madagascar, and AIDAdiva financed a special needs school in Kodigipalli, India.
AIDA will continue to raise money for more school projects in 2024. The first campaigns have already begun, as the goal for the crews on board this year is again to fund schools and bring smiles to children.